Heaven Series #2
“What will heaven be like?”
Probably the most quoted, (and often misquoted) scripture on what heaven will be like, is this one:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the imagination of man, those things God has prepared for those who love Him…”. I Cor. 2:9
I say “misquoted”, only because the end of the verse is so often left off… which happens to be the key to the whole verse and the revelation behind it.. It reads:
:10 “BUT GOD HAS REVEALED them to us through His Spirit”.
I’m sure innocently, but many of us have been taught over the years that we are not capable of imagining any of the things that God has prepared for us in heaven… so why even try? But actually, nothing could be further from the truth. As we see in the verse above, God is merely saying that on our own, it would be impossible for us to imagine those things, but with the enlightenment and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there is no limit to what God may show us. As I mentioned in my previous post, God wants us to have a good understanding of our eternal home for many reasons.
Of course, that doesn’t mean everything that comes into our mind when we try to imagine heaven is from God. But as we draw closer to the Lord through His word, and walk more in line with His will, He can trust us with revelations and insights that we wouldn’t otherwise receive.
Here is a great verse out of Psalms that lines up with that thought:
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart”. Ps.37:4
There are really two ways to look at this verse, and both are probably equally accurate. One is that God answers the desires of your heart, and gives you the very things you have been wanting. He does this because, as a good father, it brings Him pleasure to do so.
The other, is that God actually instills the desires in your heart in the first place… those things that He knows would bring you the greatest joy… because He knows you… and then He fulfills the desire as well. In other words, the Holy Spirit may reveal to you the very things He has prepared for you in the form of a desire, some of which may not be fulfilled here… but fulfilled when you get to heaven.
Blessings, Mike
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