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Will I Go To Heaven?

This is probably one of the most common questions a person will ask… especially when they begin to realize how short this life really is… and that there is an eternity on the other side of it.

Actually, the only one who can truly answer this question is God Himself, since He is the One who created us… and time… and Heaven.

In His book, the Bible, there are two key verses that help us understand what God says about it.

One is John 3:16, where Jesus says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever BELIEVES IN HIM would not perish, but HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.” 

The second is the Apostle John who said “I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God (Jesus), that you may KNOW that you HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.” 1 John 5:13

John makes it clear that it is God’s intention for His children to KNOW that they WILL GO TO HEAVEN and LIVE FOREVER.  He says that his purpose in writing this is ‘THAT YOU MAY KNOW”.  So, what evidence does he provide us to back up this “knowing”? 

First of all, notice who he addresses the statement to… “to YOU, who BELIEVE IN THE NAME OF THE SON OF GOD” (JESUS).  Let’s break this down even further.  What is it to “believe”? Is it merely to believe that Jesus existed?… or to believe that his name was Jesus?  One version defines the word “believe” this way… to “cling to, trust in, and rely upon”.  Now that sounds more like it.  So, here are the questions we need to ask ourselves…

Do you CLING to Jesus as your Savior and Rescuer?  “Have you put your TRUST in Jesus as the Lord of your life? Do you RELY upon Him and His Word in your daily life and decisions?  If you have, you know it, and truthfully, so does everyone else who knows you.  These powerful things can’t be hidden, at least not for long. 

If you haven’t yet put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you can do so right now. Watch the short 6-minute video below and hear God’s special message for you… then pray the simple prayer that follows.

God’s Holy Spirit will give you the confidence within yourself to KNOW that you are going to Heaven when you die. He will fill you with His joy and peace and love… and especially the hope of eternal life in Heaven. After the video, you can go on to the Roadmap to Heaven which will get you started on your journey to a wonderful new life in Christ.

This Is How You Get To Heaven

Will I Go To Heaven

Why should I become a Christian?

Common Questions

Heaven is where God lives. The Bible tells us that this is also where many of God’s angels live as well as the Christians who have already died and now are with God.  Heaven is very tangible… much like the earth we live in now, yet without its limitations.  The scriptures tell us that there are mountains, rivers, trees, a beautiful city filled with unimaginable things, angels, people… even animals.  It is actually more real than what we have ever known here. It is a place of rejoicing and dancing… a place of adventure and discovery… a place of unending joy and love and peace… a place, as a Christian, you will enjoy forever and ever. 

Two of the most common questions asked by a child are… Is God really there?… and What is God like? Although God could easily reveal Himself in such a way that everyone would see Him and even know Him, if He desired, yet in His infinite wisdom and plan, He chose to reveal Himself in other ways… through His creation… through His providential hand in man’s daily activities… through our very own thoughts as He speaks and draws us to Himself. He chose “faith” to be the door one must pass through to experience Him in an intimate way. It is only later, after we die and leave this earthly life, that we are able to see Him as He truly is. 

God greatly values FAITH, which the scriptures define as “the evidence of things hoped for, and the substance of things unseen.” And in another place, “For we walk by FAITH, and NOT BY SIGHT.” And again, “He that comes to God must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.” The simple answer to the question is this… YES, God does exist… and besides that, He is good, kind, all knowing, all-powerful, eternal, faithful and a myriad of other wonderful attributes. If you are questioning His existence and more… ask God in prayer to reveal Himself to you.  In His faithfulness, He will surely do just that.

It would take much more room and time to answer this “eternal” question, but let’s look at how the scriptures describe who Jesus is: “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.  And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy.” (Col. 1:15-18) 

For many, Jesus is their Savior and Lord, and might even be described as their best friend. He is the One who took their place in judgment, died for them, raised from the dead, conquering death, and gave them hope of eternal life in Heaven. To know Jesus, one must humble themself and ask Him to reveal Himself to them. They must have enough faith to do this small thing. Jesus said in one place that in order to even “see the kingdom of God”, a person must “humble themself as a little child.”

If by this question we mean other religions besides true Christianity, here are some thoughts: First of all, in a broader sense, Jesus made a definitive statement when He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father but through Me.” This is our starting point… Jesus Himself. He is the only Lord and Savior… for those who believe in Him. We must remember that it was the “religious” people who were behind his crucifixion and death.

Religion itself is merely man’s efforts to get to God or to define Him in some organized fashion. God desires a personal relationship with each person He created.  Concerning other religions… any faith or conviction that defines or believes anything less than how the scriptures define Jesus or God, is falling short at the very least, and deception at the most. Christianity is centered around the teachings of Jesus Himself who taught us that love is pre-eminent… that we are to even love our enemies… that “this is how men would know that we are His followers because we would walk in love for one another.”

What's Next?

After clicking the “Come and See” button, we will walk you through the fundamentals of being a Christian. Including understanding the Bible, prayer, community, and what it is like living a Christian life.

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